State Reporting

Capabilities that Support State

Not all capabilities/ traits support state updates, the table below illustrates those that do:

Capability Alexa App Google Home
BrightnessController YES YES
ChannelController NO N/A
ColorController YES YES*
ColorTemperatureController YES YES*
ContactSensor YES N/A
InputController NO N/A
LockController YES N/A
MotionSensor YES N/A
PercentageController YES N/A
PlaybackController NO N/A
PowerController YES YES
RangeController YES YES
SceneController NO NO
Speaker YES N/A
StepSpeaker NO N/A
TemperatureSensor YES N/A
ThermostatController YES YES


Google Home support for capabilities varies by mobile platform (i.e. iOS vs Android).

Expected State Payload

State payload format is very specific - as a minimum you must include msg.acknowledge set to true and a state element update that is relevant for the device. For example, a device that has a PowerController capability can have it’s state set if the following is passed to the “alexa-smart-home-v3-state” node:

msg : {
    "payload" : {
        "state" : {
            "power": "ON"


If you disable “Auto Acknowledge” you must set msg.acknowledge to true later in the flow, otherwise any command and state update will be dropped.

State Payload Reference

Where “||” is listed this implies “OR” - do not include this in your state responses, they will be dropped:

msg {
    acknowledge: true,
    payload {
        state {
            "brightness": 0-100,
            "colorBrightness": 0-1,
            "colorHue": 0-360,
            "colorSaturation": 0-1,
            "colorTemperature": 0-10000,
            "contact" : "DETECTED" || "NOT_DETECTED",
            "input": string,
            "lock": "LOCKED" || "UNLOCKED",
            "mode" : string,
            "motion" : "DETECTED" || "NOT_DETECTED",
            "mute" : "ON" || "OFF",
            "percentage": number,
            "percentageDelta": number,
            "playback": playback,
            "power": "ON" || "OFF",
            "rangeValue" : number,
            "rangeValueDelta" : number,
            "temperature": number,
            "thermostatMode": "HEAT" || "COOL",
            "thermostatSetPoint" : number,
            "targetSetpointDelta": number,
            "volume": number,
            "volumeDelta": number